Buying Cigars in the Dominican Republic?

Joined Jun 2005
2K Posts | 0+
McHenry, IL
My mom is going to a wedding in the DR this weekend and she asked me if I want her to bring me any cigars back. I said no because frankly, I don't want to think about what she'd bring back, what with all the horror stories I've heard about fake davidoffs and such in the DR.

But it got me wondering if one can actually buy cigars down there. I'm sure you can at the tourist shops, but you would pay an arm and a leg for a common cigar. Other than that, are there any factory shops or anything? I seem to remember something about the DR being export only but I can't use the search feature to save my life.
The Fuente's have their factories there, but do not sell their products their. Buying anything Cuban is "almost" always fakes unless you really know what your doing.
My suggestion is a nice cigar shirt - "Guyaberra" (*sp-wrong)
I have a few nice shirts from the DR.
They are great for hot days & cigar parties!
Dont buy anything. When I was down there in June, people were trying to sell me fuente chateaus for nearly twice what they cost in the states. It is a HUGE ripoff.
Yeah that's what I figured. I told her not to buy anything anyway so it was more just a matter of curiousity. I've gotta call her tonight and tell her to get some mamajuana though.
I can see the headline now:

"Senior busted for marnijana possetion. "I was just bringing it back for my son. He said not to buy cigars, so I thought this was the next best thing." More details at 11."

I don't think she'd like being called a senior. She was not happy when she got her AARP newsletter a few months ago.

Mamajuana is a Dominican rum drink. Supposedly an aphrodisiac, but also reportedly darn tasty.