Why do we toast cigars?

Joined Oct 2007
285 Posts | 0+
San Diego County
I toast cigars but I don't know the reason. I just do it because that's what your supposed to do. Anyone know the reason for it?
i can see where you are comming from hammondc. more even light leads to more even burn. it makes sence now that i think of it.
i was previously under a different assumption. i thought it was about taste

my theory...

what makes a cigar taste good? oils. Natural oils in tobacco leaves make it taste good. When you smoke fast the oils dont get a chance to release their flavor, its just burned away quickly. this leaves behind a bitter taste.

when you light a cigar you are doing your best to light slowly. when i light a cigar i NEVER let the flame touch the cigar. this lets it "heat up" to the right temp.

I light my cigar very close to the proscess described here:

here is how i do it:

i pull the cigar out of the cello, and if need be, the cedar (no, you DONT smoke the cedar)
i look at the cigar to find imperfections and where the cap ends. sometimes this determines how i cut the cigar. I smell the cigar and try to make a guess at what the lit taste will be like. then i clip the cigar or use a punch depending on what shape it is. Draw test.

i pull out my trusty lighter and hold the cigar at an angle with the foot slightly lower than the head and the head pointing away so that i can see the foot clearly. with the flame far away i start to toast lightly. i mean LIGHTLY. as it starts to turn blacki rotate the cigar and move the flame to try and cover the foot evenly with heat. once a few spots of red are seen i put the cigar to my lips and blow out once or twice.
then i light the lighter again. i keep the flame off of the cigar but the heat close to it. i draw on the cigar and let the combination heat and oxygen do its magic. i rotate the cigar while doing this. i then look at the foot for any missed spots. Its easy to see if you blow on the cigar. i relight if needed.

then i blow out one more time quickly and let it sit for a moment. then i start my puff a minute.

when i do this things seem to taste better than when i just light it up. maybe someone can give a scientific reaSon.
thats how i try to light my cigar. Kuzi, what kind of lighter do you use? I have been using a firebird single flame torch, always seems to burn the cigar a bit too much but after it settles it tastes fine.

(Trying not to get too far off topic)=P
I think it is about the burn and the taste. I have, through this forum and some other places, learned a bunch of new stuff recently. The toasting helps a larger gauge to burn more evenly, in turn this even buring lends to the flavor for many of the reasons kuzi lists. The even burn keeps away the hots spots and allows the true flavors of the cigar to be relased. Well IMHO anyway.
mjdx88 said:
Kuzi, what kind of lighter do you use?

xikar executive. it is a single flame. so is my z-plus. i used to have a triple flame but i found that to be too hot.