tar buildup/nicotine drip

Joined Oct 2007
58 Posts | 0+
I have seen both these terms used before with cigars, I believe especially with using punches for cigars, and I was just wondering if there were any pictures/explanations that could help me understand these two things.
i found that with a smaller punch this is a bigger problem... especially if you tend to drool/slobber on the cigar quite a bit.

back when i got my first punch cutter (it was small) i had this problem. i think its because the smoke and tar is concentrated at the tip of the cigar and it builds up. this mixes witht the moisture in the mouth and the drip starts.

its very bitter and tangy; so much so that it ruins the cigar. I no longer have this punch and i no longer have this problem. I also find myself keeping the cigar as dry as i can while in my mouth.

i dont have a pic, but if i remember correctly its a dark brown in color. it looks like the runoff of a cigar thats been sitting in a bowl of water.