Cigar Trade Tatuaje Box Split

Joined Aug 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Gahanna, OH
Would anybody be interested in a possible box split on some Tatjuajes? I'm looking for four additional people to either do a box of 25 or a box of 50 split five ways. Please PM me for details about pricing and kinds.
I never got a PM and am not sure what is even being ordered. Whatever the case, I had a somewhat unexpected auto expense, so if you'd like Adam, you can have my spot, assumming I'm still in this.
To everyone in on the split. I got the cigars and will begin shipping out on Monday with tracking numbers PM'd to you.
Sorry, I missed you other two guys. I'll probably be getting another box of Tats in October so if you're interested at that time let me know.
All packages are sent as of today. I will get tracking numbers out to you all through PM's as soon as I can. Everybody expect a yellow box from Walgreens within the next few days.
Thanks bro! Got 'em today! :thumbsup:

I'm sick so I'll wait until I'm better to enjoy one of these beautiful babies!

Thanks again, and I'm in on your second box split. :D