Anonymous Birthday Gift

Joined Jul 2005
337 Posts | 0+
Oakland, CA
I wanted to say thank you to whoever sent me the Cusano C10 Robusto for a birthday gift. Intentionally or not, you left your return address blank and there was no note inside.

I am interested to know who sent it so if you can PM me I would appreciate it.

Thanks again.
that was me, i thought i did put a return address?? there are two more boxes out there to the other b day boys in custom hacked boxes lol.
let me know what you think of it, i think they are awsome.
jihiggs said:
let me know what you think of it, i think they are awsome.

I am sure I will love it. I love the Coronas but I never got around to buying a box of the Robustos. Thanks again.