HD Net World Report last night

Joined May 2004
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Columbia, SC
They were showing Katrina damage, and showing tape of people/authorities that was taped a couple of years ago, who were saying that a massive hurricane would devistate the city. They would go back and forth between the tape and actual events showing the exact devistation that was predicted.

A guy was paddling in a canoe through the flooded parts of the city. His job was to locate and make note of where he found bodies! What a job! While they were filming him he came upon 2 bodies. It was gruesome, to say the least! Although they did not show the poor people's face, you could tell from looking at their hands that they had been there for quite some time. The guy paddling the canoe said he can definitely tell the difference between a human and an animal by the smell! What a terrible talent to have to be needed for!

The show was very well done and made me think even more about the power of nature.
Agree Tim, what a morbid task but necessary to move forward with the healing. I agree though, what a terrible talent. MSNBC.com had some pics up yesterday that had big warnings on them before they opened and showed some bodies. I don't think it was done with a death monger sense, just a picture of some of the devestation that included a body, but very chilling none the less.
I'm very sad for all the death and broken hearts.
BUT...the people that ran that state have a lot to answer for...it was a well known fact that this was inevitable and nothing was done...
The devistation is unbelievable.

Finally though I heard someone ask a really good question on Fox last night. They loaded up 200 buses to bring people to the super dome and now after the fact they said they did not have the legistics to evacuate people who did not have transportation. Something inside me tells me those 200 buses should have been leaving town, not moving people to the superdome. Just my .02 I guess in hindsite a lot of things should have been done differently.

My thoughts and prayers to all of you who were effected by this event.