Hey Brenda!

Joined Aug 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Armpit of the world....Al Asad, Iraq
I sent you a PM but it doesn't want to send for some reason.

I just wanted to tell you that the check is on the way!
Still with the PM problems? I'll see if that "gremlin" can't be looked into again.
You're PM'ing from a base computer or atleast its bandwith right? I bet the base has some sort restrictive code that its servers use.
No, I'm at home.
I've always had this problem here no matter where I'm at.
They're probably on his butt no matter where he goes. He calls himself Sgt. Townsend, but I'll bet that's a code name. C'mon, we've all seen his pictures. That man has the chin, and strong resolve of a Genuine G-man in his eyes. He's really agent 86, and Sgt. Townsend is his cover. He probably couldn't escape having his PM's monitored if he took a laptop to Pike's Peak.