Can you stump Lord Vader?

I stumped him with "Gingerbread House". It took him 30 guesses to get "Jacuzzi". Other than that, He's gotten it in under 20 guess every time.
iminaquagmire said:
I stumped him with mastiff, mercury, and chia pet. I was suprised how fast he got wormhole.

Wormhole...good one Quag, but how did you describe it, as an object or as a verb. That might make the difference.
I somehow managed to stump him with cigar, but he was pretty quick to guess "electric guitar" and then "guitar" (I was shooting for "acoustic guitar" on the second one).
He got my Diecast Car (called it model car) - that was pretty cool.
It took Lord Vader 30 questions to get Telephone. Some of the wrong guesses he had were fax machine, multimeter, telephone headset, and baby monitor...DOH
I got him with Granola Bar. He guessed tortilla chip, poatato chip, pencil, piece of paper, adn then I had to pick it from a list.

I hope you didn't hurt him with it, we all still want chances to stump him some more!
Bikeman said:
iminaquagmire said:
I stumped him with mastiff, mercury, and chia pet. I was suprised how fast he got wormhole.

Wormhole...good one Quag, but how did you describe it, as an object or as a verb. That might make the difference.

As an object. When I tried cigar his other guesses were an apple pie, a melon, and a cigarette filter. How an apple pie rolls I'm not sure... :? :?: And what was really funny about mastiff is he kept guessing african deer species (kudu, antelope, etc.).

Also I used mercury as in the element mercury. In any case, this game took an extraordinary amount of programming and uses a huge database I'm sure.
It is an interesting program that is for sure. Now, what would be really neet is if it could learn from the answers that were given, and then it would get harder and harder to stump it. Basically though, it is just one big database with everything cross referenced by color, size etc.

My brother does this stuff with his client files, you can give him a situation, and he can tell you all his clients that match that situation over the time of his career as a lawyer. Mind you he has been developing it for over 15 years.
That's weird. A couple of you have said you stumped him with cigar. When I tried it, he got it in 19 questions. Guess we must be describing it differently.
bkelm18 said:
That's weird. A couple of you have said you stumped him with cigar. When I tried it, he got it in 19 questions. Guess we must be describing it differently.

I thnk he was just able to read your mind easier. I hope there are no national secrets in there for him to steal!
I guess the force is not strong with me...

I'm not good enough to be a Jedi, I'm not even good enough to be Jabba!! :cry: