Suggestion for next box pass

Joined Nov 2005
289 Posts | 0+
Princeton NJ
Just a suggestion. Have anyone involved send the person who starts the pass a money order to cover initial expenses(divided amongst all involved). The money orders can always be returned. Just to keep everyone honest.
dont know that i like that idea. that would be trusting the starting person with A LOT of money.
True.... but aren't they the one putting up the initial smokes?? should only be enough to cover start up cost.
That's not a bad idea, its just that it kinda ruins the fun of thanking people, especially the starter. Box passes are based on trust and once in awhile somebody violates that trust. It just goes with the territory.
I agree Quag. The enjoyment of the pass from my point of view is the trust and excitement of a circle of friends sharing.
It is a shame what happened, I give all of you alot of credit if you do it again without some kind of insurance.

For everytime something doesn't work out - there are 10 times that we get rewarded on this forum. That's what makes this a great place to be - glad you joined along. Personally, I have experienced unbelievable trust from forum members when I was only here for a little bit. Read the stand up folks thread to see how it usually turns out.

I know that I am not in this box pass, but I think the best thing is to resolve the current box pass as fair as possible so that we can move on to the next one. I am willing to kick in sticks as a means to that end.
"I am willing to kick in sticks as a means to that end."

That's a really stand up gesture. As a follow up to that, I'd say that I'd be willing to kick in sticks myself.

I do know that something has been going on involving a box pass and an ex-member, and from certain contacts I've received over the past week or two, it would appear that attempting to resolve the issue that's developed has not worked. As I've stated elsewhere, I'm away from an on line computer for two 36 hours periods at least twice a week, and the time that I do get on line can be sporadic. In other words, I don't see everything, and I don't know everything, even though I am a staff member, and the most visible moderator here.

Having said that, as a gesture of good will on behalf of AmBack, I'd be willing to offer several cigars from my own collection to add to any new "box pass" that is instituted among the members here. Basically, I would send the cigars to a designated recipient to be put into the box, as I do not wish to be a participant in the actual box pass event.

I just want to make the contribution of cigars as a gesture of good will, and to thank the good and decent members, the overwhelming majority of people here, for their constant participation, driving the forums in so doing, and their valuable contributions to the good information and good clean fun that we all enjoy by our reading and participation.

When you get it all worked out, send me a PM with the person's address, and I'll send seven to ten cigars to be put into the box.

Oh, and I promise, unlike my packages to Capt, Sgt. DevilDog, CC, and a few others, I will NOT send any of those partially smoked Strawberry Phillies Blunts. :bolt:
Way to GO Bloof!!! That is a good way to start a new pass for sure. I cannot participate - cross border delays etc.- but I am with you guys all the way. We have a great bunch of guys here, and the reason it works is because of honesty and communication - the hallmarks of any good business deal!