Happy MLK day!

Joined Oct 2005
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What a lovely day it was in Tucson, today. I got the day off to go to the annual Dr. Martin Luther King march. It was a great turnout. The celebration continues at a park with dancing, music, food, and lots of people. This is an event I look forward to every year. Everyone is so friendly and in a good mood.

Let's all celebrate Dr. Kings dream of peace and equality for all!
Most definitely. I remember him well, and how I felt a big part of the country's future hopes had died along with him. I was right. Good people have to keep striving to do good however. He was an admirable man and one of my foremost heroes among public figures.

I didn't know Arizona was observing. I thought they didn't have a holiday for Dr. King there, but it's good to hear they are observing it. I have a friend who moved to Tucson a few months ago. Loves it, lived down there a number of years ago. Always wanted to go back. He has and says life is great, and I'm happy for him.

Speaking of happy, Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday song, written in tribute to Dr. King, is a great piece of music for the day as well.
Actually it's a rather say day here. Chicago's smoking ban went into effect today, though bars & restaurant bars have until July 2008.

While it's rarely mentioned in the media and he generally indulged only in private, MLK smoked cigarettes.
I was wondering if anybody was going to mention MLK day. I kind of felt like it, but being Canadian, I did not want to intrude on your fine Holiday.

I think that Canada should bring in a day that honors him too, he was a champion for all opressed people, not just Americans.