Carlos Torano

Joined Feb 2006
628 Posts | 0+
Rock Hill, SC
I am headed to my local B&M this afternoon. Any suggestions for Torano stuff? I have never tried any of it, but have seen some good publicity.
Never tried Torano stuff?


The Signature's are very good, Silver Exodus, and Virtuoso's are too! The 1916's are a must try. All full bodied. Sig's and Virtuoso's are maduro.

They make good stuff!

The Casa Torano is mild, so if you want mild...
I love the cameroon! But then, I like cameroons in general. I like them all though.
Gold Exodus and Tribute are two great cigars. 8) Bought one of the Noventa the other day, waiting on that to age a month before trying smells delicious.

I think that Torano is one of the few cigar makers that have a hand in every step of the process - seed to finished cigar. Great cigar company, thats for sure.