Marry Christmas-Happy Holidays

Joined Jul 2005
3K Posts | 0+
I just woke up from the most boring 24 hour shift in years. We did not turn a wheel. I am getting ready to leave work, to finish my X-mas shopping. I have a pot of PR Tarrazu just finished brewing. I think it shall suffice as a great morning start. (To bad no Short Story). I have to work X-mas eve again this year, all 24 hours of it. Just wanted to say Merry X-mas and Happy Holidays to everyone on the coffee forum. May your holidays bring you many full cups!!! Ryan
Merry Christmas to you too Capt - sorry you have to burn the oil Christmas eve, but hopefully the shift won't go too badly...
Turned on the 24 hour marathon of the "Christmas Story". I laid in bed trying to fall asleep, but the emergency radio traffic is busy tonight. Also drinking the 4 cups of Peaberry didn't help much either, so here I sit, at the Amback forums.......I AM BORED!!!! I only have 10 more hours til I go home to the lovely wife and labrabor, to open presents and drink more coffee..... :beer: