Fairtrade Coffee

Joined Oct 2005
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I only buy Fairtrade coffee and I try to patronize coffee shops that offer Fairtrade coffee. Fairtrade is a program to help ensure that farmers get a fair price for their crops. It can be tough on farmers the way that prices go up and down. Sometimes farmers can only sell below cost. Check this out:

In some countries farmers are changing their crops from coffee beans to coca. I can also see how buying Fairtrade coffee, in a way, helps fight against the drug war. What are your thoughts on Fairtrade?
I do enjoy a lot of different coffees, & fair trade is a good way to help out the little guy, Keep up the good work, & enjoy all the coffee & cigars that you can, Moderation ?? what is that hahahaha Enjoy, Vince
Some of the coffees I buy are also Fair Trade. I get most of my beans from Oren's, and also have been buying sporadically from Green Mountain for over 14 years. They are heavy into the Fair Trade coffee movement, and I'm glad to see it.
I just got my new green Mt. catalog today, good reading for the bathroom ! hahaha, I did get a lot of coffee from Orleans coffee co till the flood of New Orleans , now it is Green Mountain,& the local shops . I get treated verrrry well at the shop across from the cigar shop, I am there 3 or 4 time sa day when I am at the cigar shop & a few times when I am not at the shop, gooooood coffee. , the Blue violet , they do have a web site , I think it is
http://www.blueviolet.com good pies cakes , cheesecake & some of the best cookies & lemon poppy seed pound cake I have ever eaten, goooooood stuff, hey I am not supposed to eat that stuff. hahahaha Enjoy, Vince
Just a Heads up, I found Kirkland Fair Trade coffee at Costco, 12 bucks for two pounds. Not bad for everyday coffee.
Well, it's also good to order from. :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh:

I have to admit, they've gotten way gaudy, and might be in the process of getting too big for their britches. Time will tell.
Well, take a look at that elite world class catalog. How much do you think they're paying photographers to shoot that stuff? How about those $40,000 mugs, painted by aborigines pre B.C., preserved throughout the generations and magically brought to you by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters? That's NOT The Green Mountain I know. This Olympic Gold Medal catalog thingy and all the fancy art and stuff is a new phenomenon for them, only about five years or so.

Green Mountain is a Vermont based, home grown, humble, down to earth operation, and now this? It's like when Harry and David started offering Christmas chocolates and such. I mean, Harry and David's special pears aren't even from their special orchards in Oregon any more, they're from CHILE!!! See what I mean? I'm worried that Green Mountain is suffering the same fate. Time will tell.