I got clearance!!

Joined Sep 2007
626 Posts | 1+
In my Mack truck somewhere in a Chicago suburb smo
I just got the official go ahead to smoke the pipe in the house! :D
Congratulations! That makes it nice during the winter months.

Ah, I remember the good old days: sitting in the den, working at the computer with pipe or cigar in my mouth.... then we moved to a new house. :cry:
since I smoke smelly ol cigars outside of course.
My wife wishes they made a machine to burn the pipe tobacco her grandfather smoked to make the house smell like leather and apples.

not for nothing, that sounds like a fantastic opportunity for YOU to be able to: 1) smoke something in the house, and 2) gain gi-hugic brownie points with the Mrs. by providing her with that childhood memory in the process..... :)

Maybe you could then begin to experiment with pipe tobaccos, and get her to accept varied aromas, and you know that there are pipe blends with some cigar tobacco in it...if you see where I'm gong here.....
I smoked my pipe in the house yesterday for the first time while the lady was at work. It was in the morning while I had my coffee. She never even knew it when she got home, so of course today I did it again! :twisted:
I only WISH............... but my 10yr daughter has asthma so until she hits 18 and gets kicked out of the house no one smokes in the house or the car.

But life is good i have cable, a frig, internet and air/heat in my little workshop where i can sit on the couch and smoke to my hearts content in PEACE and QUIET. Heck my wife even brings snacks out to the workshop (doghouse as she calls it) on poker nights what more can I ask for.
kg...that sounds...like....*tear falls*...heaven....the ultimate rec room...