
Joined Feb 2003
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Durham, NC
Just wanted to see if any of you had ever tried Absinthe. That's the Real Thing, with wormwood and toulol- not the faux wanna-bes that were on the market 10 years or so ago. I have a freind who thinks he can order it from Europe, and has promised me a taste if he gets it.

Absinthe has always had an evil reputation in my memory, but partially for that reason it has always held a special appeal- "forbidden fruit".
Any Absinthers out there care to set the record straight?
Watch yourself with this. A friend of mine and I both had some of a bottle he got a few years ago, the real thing. He has some kind of connections. If he's curious about something in this world, he'll find out a way to get it.

Well, we were drinking it and feeling oh, so good, oh so incredibly euphoric in a very up way, not drunk at all, talking and listening to some of our favorite music. Then we went to another room and sat down to watch TV, still not feeling the least bit drunk, just higher and higher in a fantastic way. All of a sudden, we got hit with a bunker buster and were flat on our backs on his couch in front of the TV, asking each other what happened. Eventually, we gave up trying to stay up. He had to go to bed and I had to go to work. I think that was one of the rare times in my life that a guy like me who's 99.999% alert, focused and well conducted, was not.

Not that I misbehaved, but when you're as flat knocked out as I was, you can't perform well, and that was the problem at work that night. Not the right night to drink that stuff, especially since we started knocking it back after the first couple of sips.

It will make you feel unusually euphoric, and if you wish to avoid getting Earnie Shavers' sneaky right hand thundered directly to your face, . . .

SIP IT SLOWLY!!! And don't drink too much.
While Absinthe might make the heart grow fonder, it tastes like crap. Imagine licorice vodka with the aftertaste of ouzo. It's not as bitter as many think, but I still found it very nasal.
Having now split 2 bottles of "La Fee" Absinthe with several different people, I have to say it's really neat stuff. It does initially taste a bit funky, but the effects are really quite different than regular etoh. Very pleasant, and no stupification. The trick seems to be to slowly imbibe between 2 and 3 drinks for best effect. If you drink too much or too fast, the etoh gets right on top of you (it's 136 proof) and you miss the point of drinking Absinthe instead of White Lightning.

Sure wish it was more available here in the US.
Glad you liked it, and as you observed, and as my friend and I found out the hard way, :duh: not too much or too fast. Otherwise, you should have a good time, and I'm glad you did. I think I saw his bottle still sitting on his kitchen counter last time I was there. I don't think either he or I will be drinking any more. There appeared to be a lot left, like everything we didn't drink that night several years ago. Should I ask him if I can ship it to you? Why let it go to waste? :D
toulol? you mean thujone?

anyways, it is illegal to import absinthe into the US. that is a federal customs law.

it is not illegal to make yourself, and the ingredients are legal and available, but you need to get with BATFE for a license to distill, otherwise it is not the same.
It turns out that you can have it shipped to you in the US as long as it's in small quantities for your own consumption.

I recently came into a couple bottles of "Neto Costa" absinthe (Absinto) from Portugal. Very nice. Better straight than the "La Fee"- it's a tad sweeter with a hint more anise.

As for tulol vs. thujone- I'll have to admit to being out my depth here.
Chemistry wasn't my best subject in school, and that was a Long Time ago.
I can find the USC section prohibiting the importation (I have before). make sure before you order some you find the exception you write about....
Wow, this forum has it all! Guns, alcohol, tobacco, wheels, etc.! Yay! I wouldn't mind drinking absinthe sometime. Maybe I could get some and drink it with my dad and cousins this Thanksgiving, Xmas, or whenever we visit their pad. I just hope I don't end up like this: :barf: or my dad like this while driving :cop:. If he gets caught or crashes, I just may do this :throwrock:. I'll have to watch his a$$. Luckily my bro. can drive. Nonetheless, I want to get like this :rotflmao:. Mmmmmmmmmm, Guinness. :beer:
I hear that thujone is kind of like delta-9-tetrahydracannabinol (thc, pot). True? If so, THEN I REALLY WANT SOME!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
I have some experience with absinthe as well as a few other controlled substances. It tastes like ass, hence the sugar. If you are drinking the real thing, have some free time lined up, even if you are "familiar" with mind altering substances.

Like many things, used carelessly this may be a dangerous choice. Not at the top of my list, but I won't discuss that here. Besides, all such things ceased about 6 years ago for me. Don't miss it. I'll stick to Scotch currently.
$tinger said:
I hear that thujone is kind of like delta-9-tetrahydracannabinol (thc, pot). True? If so, THEN I REALLY WANT SOME!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

there is a structural similarity, but it is not that close.
Sometime recently I blundered into a few different sites on absinthe. I am trying to reconstruct how I found the site without success but have found a couple of other sites

Has some good warnings about fake absinthe

Interesting site, includes a link to the Absinthe Ring of sites. I like the picture on the front page.

The following is one of the sites I hit awhile back. Quite a bit of info but read carefully, I think the the authors of this site are frequent fliers.

The Absinthe FAQ - Worth reading. I remember reading some of the material at this site but on a site that was tastfully decorated with absinthe lore.

The Absinthe buyers guide.

Another well done site

This one came up high in a search but I don't remember seeing it before. A virtual museum of absinthe, some of it written in French.

I remember finding a site where someone complained about ebay canceling his account because he was selling absinthe. The complaint did dispute this but noted that a number of other sellers were selling the same thing he had been selling. Can't find that one tonight.
"Frequent fliers," LOL!!! :D

As for the e-bay guy selling absinthe, if it was the real thing and he was selling to Americans, he does not have a leg to stand on.

Come to think of it, if you're drinking the real thing, you DON'T have a leg to stand on!!! :D
arcwelder76 said:
I have some experience with absinthe as well as a few other controlled substances. It tastes like ass, hence the sugar. If you are drinking the real thing, have some free time lined up, even if you are "familiar" with mind altering substances.

Like many things, used carelessly this may be a dangerous choice. Not at the top of my list, but I won't discuss that here. Besides, all such things ceased about 6 years ago for me. Don't miss it. I'll stick to Scotch currently.

Alcohol is a mind altering substance, hell, even caffeine and tobacco are to a degree. Also, I'm glad to see that there are some people here that aren't straight edges. 8) :thumbsup: :mrgreen: Just remeber to lock up your guns and remeber to forget where they're at when you get d'd.