Johnny Drum 15 Year Old Bourbon. . . .

Joined Sep 2003
9K Posts | 0+
Puerto Rico/NYC
New to the USA, long a favorite overseas, or so the legend goes. Well, this is sort of hilarious. I can't say I don't like this stuff. I can't say I'll never buy it again, although for R&D money, the $39.92 "walk-out price" I paid on my Binny's order was a bit high for me these days.

There's not much to it. It's 101 proof, well aged, smooth, medium-bodied, mild, slightly sweet caramel flavor, but the overwhelming flavor, all the way through each sip, by far is . . .

Band-Aid!!! Some kind of wood gum flavor. You folks know how a Band-Aid smells. That's how this bourbon tastes. I honestly like the smoothness, and sweet candy flavors that emerge from time to time, but with this being my third or fourth tasting, I just don't know how many Band-Aids I can drink! :cryinlaugh:

It doesn't make the Bloofy Top 25, but I honestly can't discourage anyone from trying it. Nice stuff, really weird, like the 2002 George T. "Whiskey Of The Year" Stagg, but nice just the same.
Well, "wierd + nice" does seem to be the formula to getting the "something of the year" award. If you have a dozen varieties of perfectly executed but relatively normal whiskey/cigars/wine/beer/cake/etc. how the hell do you pick one? Toss in one that's good but strange & there you have it. Pick the oddball.

That said, "band-aid" flavor really does not sound appealing.