The answers are always right in . . .

Joined Sep 2003
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Puerto Rico/NYC
front of your face. Well, the tax accountant said he'd get back to me about four weeks ago, waiting for some other money to come in, guess it'll all come at some point, gotta try something new, don't have the money, gotta try something new, still some cold weather, heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, how much COULD it cost at . . .

Park Avenue Wines and Liquors on (Don't Ask, Don't Tell), gassssssssssssppppppppp, MADISON AVENUE!!!

HOW MUCH COULD what COST BLOOF, GREAT BEGINNING, BUT HOW MUCH COULD WHAT COST!?!???!!!??!?!?? roared the 63,217 Everclear soaked fans in Wild Turkey Park.

Why, . . . I'm appalled, WHAT STADIUM ARE YOU FOLKS IN . . .


WILD TURKEY RYE!!! Hey, here's the deal, it just seems that anything I can get for $18-30 in the bourbon/rye venue has a very high percentage of being pleasing, while there are products in the $31-55 range that can taste like pure horse urine, and anything $56 and up is usually good, but you're left wondering how many times in your life you can really drink that stuff. So, when I saw that I could come away from my favorite web site for less than $25 for a bottle, I knew I could buy it in NYC for around $27-28, which for some strange reason probably meant it was real good.

It all goes back to the this little rule of life my father, that's moy faaahthuh if you're Steve Erwin, The Crocodile Hunter, or m'deddeh or m'paw if you're from dow souf here in the USA. The rule is NEVER buy the cheapest one in the product line you're looking at, because you WILL get what you pay for, and if you're not rich, then don't spend money you really can't, but jump a healthy level above rock bottom, and it is likely you'll find some real quality in there, . . .

or if you're from Noo Yawk, not like m'deddeh, he's from Puerto Rico, but if you're fum Noo Yawk, it's bangfudduhbuk.

So, I went into Park Avenue Wines and Liquors at (gassssssssspppppppp, Don't Ask, Don't Tell) MADISON AVENUE(!!!) and walked out of the store with a bottle of Wild Turkey Rye 101 proof on Thursday afternoon, for $27.16 and just had my first tasting, pouring at 1515 hours with the first sip at 1540 hours and the last at 1700 hours.

Very nice stuff, like a drink you'd have for dessert. It started off with sweet oak with a tang at the end and then blossoming into kum quats in syrup, as is served in Chinese restaurants for desserts, smacking of a sweet and tangy festival, and then smoothing out to a nice sweet finish, like a heavy, sweet German white wine with the oak coming back but sweeter. There's that wine thing with a rye again. Well, interestingly enough, the color of this rye is a light amber, very pretty and indicative, if I'm not mistaken of minimal aging.

Wonderful tasting of a regular, everyday product that's right in front of your face all the time. Instead of always going for the $60-75 bottle of His Excellency, The Earl of Billy Ray Johnson's Fillin' Station Vintage Estate Bottle 42 year old JenUWhahn Suthuhn Whiskeh, you might try the ordinarily labeled $18-30 stuff.
Your maken me think I want to try that, say the H3ll with my scotch & try rye again, I like my ham on Rye with a little brown mustard, so what could it hurt, even I f I dont like it, some one at the cigar shop will drink it when we have the friday Night BYOB , but the scotch is so nice with a cigar, I might feel like I was cheeting ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Well Vince, as it stands, a Bloofingtonian Top Ten of Rye is sure to be completed by next winter, and what it looks like right now is . . .

1. Van Winkle Special Reserve 13 year old rye
2. The Classic Cask 21 year old rye
3. Sazerac 18 year old rye
4. Wild Turkey rye

. . . and don't forget the Old Potrero Single Malt Whiskey, made completely from rye grain and aged two years in uncharred oak barrels, 1700's style. I didn't like it, but it is fine stuff. They make another rye, aged over four years, in charred oak barrels, 1800's style, which I hope to order in the fall. Looks like there's a lot of good rye out there, so give it a go!!!