Awsome New Cigar

Joined Aug 2004
2K Posts | 0+
Chicago Born/Raised. Hollywood CA Resident
I just tried my first Cusano C10 last night and thought it was one of the best cigars I've had in a while. Anyone else try one yet?
Cusano really is cranking them out, huh? Thanks for the tip. Another one to watch for.
I havent seen the C10 yet but we sell a lot of the c2's when we can get them , Enjoy, Vince
I've had two so far, and they are quite good. Bloof, it's been awhile since I've sent something your way. I think I can come up with a few smokes you haven't had before including the C10.

Don't send anything until I know where I'm going to land, because I may not be here that much longer, although I am fighting the good fight. Gotta call my lawyer tomorrow.