Camacho Coyolar- new blend?

Joined Jan 2006
402 Posts | 0+
Saint Louis, MO
I just smoked a Camacho Coyolar at a local shop today. It was nothing like they've been in the past. Usually the Coyolars have been similar to the Corojos except, IMHO, better. This one tasted more like a Dominican cigar- Fuente, etc. and had a significant nutty flavor and was substantially milder than the Coyolars have been in the past.
One of the other regulars commented that he'd had a similar experience- the perfecto he had a few days ago wasn't particularly strong, more of a medium-full, where in the past the first 1/3" or so was gut-wrenching, and the rest of it was full bodied.
Anyone else noticed anything like this?
Thats interesting. Thats a cigar I truly love and smoke frequently. In fact I just smoked my last one last night <sob> and I've never had one that wasent as good as the previous one. Maybe it was just the odd stick out...I hope!
Fortunately this appears to have been a false alarm. Last Friday they had a "sales event" (I miss the tastings with free sticks... apparently they've been having trouble lining up sponsors lately) & a Camacho rep was there. He replaced all the Coyolar stock from thier display box. I've smoked a couple of the replacements, and they seem to be how I remember them being.