Cream and sugar or straight up

Joined Oct 2004
137 Posts | 0+
So Cal
I noticed that people at the office drink a lot of coffee, some use cream / milk / creamer and sweetners and others just poor it and its good to go.

I am a cream and sugar guy in my brew, but others at the office think right out of the pot is the best and only way to drink it. Some of them even give me the "your ruining it look" when i add my cream and sugar.

I would think that if your a super duper coffee lover you would consider it sacrilege to add such things as sweetners or creamers.

so how do you take your brew?

I'm against any critical view of how someone else enjoys anything, I grew up in Europe and the coffee was very strong and served in a cup with plenty of room for milk in almost a half and half mixture even for children. I along with others are into the home roasting where you discover that how the bean is roasted/ grown can change the taste, For example, a nice pure Kona has a wonderful unique flavor that would be lost if anything were added to the cup. So, it is my opinion that if you like coffee enough to roast for best taste and freshness it should be drunk on its own, but, if you are going to add milk, sugar or other flavorings it probably matters not what roast or how fresh the coffee is. Maybe a blessing as long as you enjoy the cup.
For years I took my coffee black. Recently I began to add lots of sugar and cream (real cream, not half and half) to coffee brewed from dark roasts. I make my coffee strong enough that it's a running joke with my brother. I'll drink Celebes and Jamican Blue Mountain black.
I suspected that anyone who takes the time to roast there own would be more inclined to drink their brew black.

I do like cream and sugar in my coffee but as most of you have had happen, the office runs out of one or both. I like my coffee sweet so i dont have to have the cream.

Same goes for my tea, sweet is all i need, cream is just a bonus. But dipping cookies are heaven :) Sorry my folks are hard core English and i need cookies with my tea.

keep the tally going i would like to hear how everyone likes thier brew.

Thats the One good thing about English colinies or former colonies.. is there habit for tea. Its Damn good! 2 'lumps' and i'm set.

Coffee.. depends.. casualy drinking.. a take 2 sweetner packets and some liquid creamer.

Drinking to stay awake.. i find the finest and strongest brew around and it goes down black.

(Coffee grownds in the eye keeps you awake for those realy long nights- same goes w/ tobasco.)

Yes Casual, coffee grounds in the eye WILL keep you awake for a while, but . . .

TABASCO?!?!??!!! Why so tame? Tabasco's only between 3,000 and 10,000 Scovilles.


Like, start with Da Bomb's Beyond Insanity (119,700 Scovilles), and when you get to feeling frisky try Mad Dog 357 Collector's Edition at 600,000 Scovilles. :mrgreen:

As for my coffee, getting back to business here, I like it black, made in a Freedom Press with just a wee, and I mean wee touch of sweetener, like pure, unheated, unfiltered honey or turbinado sugar, probably not enough to do anything except maybe take the top edge of the bite off. Occasionally, I'll go into a place and ask for a ten shot espresso when I'm feeling the need for a strong, long lasting boost of blood level caffeine. That's usually when I'm running very low on sleep and need to stay up for an inordinate amount of time.
Bloofington said:

Yes Casual, coffee grounds in the eye WILL keep you awake for a while, but . . .

TABASCO?!?!??!!! Why so tame? Tabasco's only between 3,000 and 10,000 Scovilles.

Tobasco & Coffee. Two common things found in MRE's. I personaly HATE Tabasco smelling or eating... just doesnt do it for me.
Coffee & tea , Both NO CREAM, NO SUGAR , the only thing I put in my coffee is whisky & the onlything in my tea is Ice & maybe lime , no lemon unless there is no lime , & the stronger the better, strong , not bitter, I dont go for $tarbuck$, it is over roasted burnt swill, & way over priced, get out the freedom Press pot, add 6 large scoops of coffee & 18 ounces of hot water , sit for 5.5 minutes & then Press, pour & enjoy. time to light up the Davidoff Double R !
Enjoy, Vince
Do what's best for you.......

I didn't begin drinking coffee until I was in college and stayed out all night running with the cops. (With, not from: in those days they were very informal about letting folks ride with them at night. I ran around with city, county and state cops throughout my college years and then ended up spending a career in law enforcement.)

Anyway, back to the point. When I started drinking coffee I choose not to use cream and sugar on the theory that there would be times that they weren't available, so why get into the habit of using them.

Well, here I am, a half a century later still not using cream and sugar very often although I almost NEVER had a cup of coffee when the "fixins" were not available.

I occasionally use a little milk or half and half now, but usually use Sweet N Low for sweetener because I shouldn't use sugar because of diabetes.

Drinking arabica coffees, as I do now, I tend not to use milk because I am savoring the different flavors of the different beans and milk will mask that taste. When I'm at a social event where the coffee is likely to be robusta I am more likely to "doctor" it up.

There are probably coffee snobs, just like there are wine snobs, but they don't impress me. I drink what I like, prepared the way I like. I don't care what others think.


P.S. The coffee that you get at work is probably from robusta beans and there isn't much there to "spoil" anyway. Educate yourself on arabica coffees and get some good coffee into your system.
earl grey or orange peokoe for me- just a touch of powdered milk- coffee plays with my meds- just like grapefruit juice
I like honey instead of sugar and half and half or heavy cream.I enjoy a tasty cup of coffee more than a strong nasty cup(starbucks).
From bad truck stop goop to my favorite Kona, I like my coffee the way I like my women, black :p . I just want to taste the full flavor of the coffee.
A friend of mine started drinking his coffee black, because a woman made fun of him for using cream and sugar. That's a stupid reason, you should drink your coffee the way you like it.
Oh Mr. Speir, I love it when you talk romantic like that. It reminds me of my youth in Transylvania, chasing ladies of the night. No, they weren't hookers, they were bats. No, I wasn't batty, but I was a Blackheart though. :wink: :cryinlaugh:
My folks are English so for me cream and sugar was normal when having tea, i guess i just did it to my coffee because thats what i was used to.

I can drink coffee or tea without cream but i absolutely wont even boil the water if there is no sugar.

Typically, I drink both coffee and hot tea with a bit of Turbinado sugar, 'cause to me it brings out the taste better. Additionally, with tea, I like honey, cream, and a bit of lemon if it's a Saturday and my wife and I are sharing a pot of tea and are feeling a bit British. Cream I usually add only if the coffee is the nasty restaurant variety.

Strangely enough, restaurants down in Texas seem to make pretty good hot tea, so I usually only add a bit of sugar.

Iced teas I drink like my whiskeys....straight up!!
I am English so we drink tea like our lives depended on it - i like mine strong with milk and one sugar - the best tea is from Yorkshire now coffee is a different matter, milk or cream no sugar straight out the freedom press is the only way to do it - in fact for my breakfast yesterday i had what we call a 'fryup' for breakfast (eggs,bacon,susages (links), toast, bakedbeans and bubble and sqweek) and of course a pot of coffee ! mmmmmmmMMMmm
"bubble and sqweek"??? I used to know what that is, but haven't ben to the UK in a while. Could you refresh my memory?
Si, your right about the freedom press pot, I have 6 different coffee pots , & one espresso machine, but the 2 Freedom Press pots are my favorites , they make the best coffee , as far as tea, well I like it iced in the summer & when I dont feel well I might sip a few cups, but I have been drinking my coffee black & strong for as long as I can remember, but it is decafe after 6 pm, make decafe espresso in the Freedom press pot, you do get a little sediment in the cup, but the coffee tastes great ! Enjoy, Vince
just add a splash of milk and a few table spoons of sugger and im sold :D