Don Juan. . . .

Joined Sep 2003
9K Posts | 0+
Puerto Rico/NYC
A large corona or short Churchill perhaps, another cigar that I've had for quite a while at home, and have been carrying in my Havana Pocket Humidor for a few weeks. Dark wrapper, a lot of bloom on the cap from being so close to the humidification device, the band having a background of royal blue edged with gold and Don Juan in lower case sans serif white letters in the middle of the band.

After a busy night at the firm I left Thursday morning shortly after 0900 hours and wound my way down to the 30th Street and Third Avenue location of my favorite coffee shop, Oren's. After securing a 20 oz. cup of black coffee of the day, I stepped out of the front of the store into the sunshine and bustle of the city. As is my habit, I placed the cup on the ledge outside the large store window, just made for it seemingly, and got out the cigar. I lit it at 0955 hours and instantly noticed a distinct chocolate raisin brownie like flavor which remained the backbone flavor of this cigar throughout.

Despite some over humidification, that being the one major flaw of the Havana Pocket Humidor, which can be a bit difficult to correct, it drew well and was an excellent companion to the coffee as I stood in front of the store and watched the activity, including quite a few fine women of all types pass by on their daily errands. Moving down through the cigar there were occasional flavors of Brazil nuts, pumpernickel bread and even charcoal briquets.

It was a fine, crisp early autumn day as I stood there enjoying the cigar, the view and making some business calls on the cell phone. As the coffee went down and the cigar got smaller and smaller, eventually I headed off for my favorite pizza place, just up the avenue, on the other side of the block and between 34th and 35th Streets. The cigar finished as I crossed Third Avenue at 34th Street and I tossed the nub at 1108 hours. The cigar and the girls were both, . . .

mighty fine. :D

I HAD the cigar but I didn't get the girls. So, what else is noo? :dunno: :duh: