First roast

Joined Oct 2005
2K Posts | 1+
Lost in translation
Well I made my first batch of beans on friday night and enjoyed it on Sunday night to give it time to de-gas. It was very clean, I mean really clean. Bright but not too much in the flavour department. I think it might be the amount of coffee I had in there. I also need to get a burr grinder. I am not sure i am getting a good grind with the blade grinder and it is kinda uneven. It might also be the roast. I roasted the beans for 6 minutes on the fresh roast 8. The beans were roasted to just past second crack. It was kinda easy to tell the different cracks. The second crack was not as tough to recognize as I thought it would be.

I really like the machine. The roast was really even. The chaff sepreated pretty well but I still had a little to deal with. The only thing is that I would like it to roast bigger batches than it does. Other than that I would recomend it to anyone.
Last night I tried my hand a a new type of bean to see any differences. I was not as impressed with the Columbia excelsio as I had hoped to be, so I roasted my Sumatra Medhandling. I think this bean will prove to be better just on the smell of the roast alone. It was not as easy to hear the cracks as it was with the excelsio and it took a little longer to roast, but the aroma was deeper and more pronouced. I really can't wait to try it. I also had to get a burr grinder. I know target has them and maybe I will be able to pick up one this weekend but I am so busy with work and the family I'm lucky to be able to watch Football on Sundays. I will let you guys know how it turns out when I brew it.
