Great Oklahoma Sitdown

Joined Feb 2006
237 Posts | 0+
Norman, OK
I'm putting together a cigar sitdown here in Norman in mid to late April. We have a new bar opening up to comply with the new smoking regulations, and we're throwing this as part of their grand opening. I'm doing my best to solicit donations from retailers (both local and online), though it's going a little slow right now.

My bro's fiancee is a Jack Daniel's promotion rep, so I'm also lining up some Woodford Reserve samples (and the hot chicks that come with them). She just gave me a supersweet copper and stainless steel Woodford Reserve torch lighter, so I think Jack knows that the cigar community is among their biggest fans.

This thing will be open to the public, you're all cordially invited. It should be a rocking good time.

Any suggestions on potential donors or anything else would be exceedingly appreciated: I've never done this before. PM me your pearls of wisdom.
You can PM that wacco Colonel over here. He has some experience with that type of thing. He helped organize Nerf V here in Boston and it was a great success.
I think you should donate that new lighter to me. You know, since my prometheus does not work.

Seriously, you should.

I think you should donate that new lighter to me.

Hehe. Darn, I already filled it, now it can't be shipped anymore. :cry:

If you can make it out for the event, I bet she'll find some more...

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