Happy Birthday Calibus

Joined Feb 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Cedar Key
So, how many candles are you blowing out this year?
Calibus, happy B-day. It slipped my mind, but I will get something out to you asap!!!!

P.S. Hey Bloof, like the new Avatar??
Happy Birthday, Calibus!


I'm running behind on my sending as well. I'll get something out asap.
happy b day calibus, hope your relaxing or doing something other than work
Happy Birthday!

Oh, and thanks for the cigars you sent me for my B-day!!!

Have a great one, Ol' Man!!! :lol:

BTW, expect a package from me in a few days! :wink:
Thanks everybody. I appreciate it. In answer to Cybrus' question, I am now 27.