Help with Lighting Cigars

Joined Jan 2005
365 Posts | 0+
Oak Ridge, TN
Ok, I've been smoking cigars for a year or so now and yes I've read the thread at the top of the forum, but I just can't help but think I'm lighting my cigars wrong. I alternate between a torch and a regular butane lighter. I try to not let the flame touch the cigar and only use the heat. I light it until the tip is black with some glow, then I start blowing on it and relight as necessary to get it going. So am I doing this close to right? I always get a bitter taste when I do it.
I find that instead of holding the cigar at a downward angle but an upward one, it prevents some poor flavours to be imparted into the cigar. Of course, this only works with a torch. I HAVE done it with a flame but it just takes longer.
Try blowing out through the cigar before you take the first puff.

It can help with that - sometimes :x