I've got half a bottle left....


Joined Mar 2005
41 Posts | 0+
from 1984. An old friend showed up with the bottle on the 4 th of July weekend and we played checkers and drank the first half. It was his first trip out with his new leg and arm. Lost them in a well accident a year or two before. I haven't seen him since and haven't been able to track him down, but I still have the rest of the bottle and I'll save it till we meet again. As I recall it was some good stuff.
Hopefully, it won't be too long until you see that friend again. When a bottle is half full or less, over an extended time, taste differentials can occur because of the amount of air in the bottle. When a bottle is less than half full, much less, if any flavor changes will occur. Might be a good idea to see your friend before another 23 years elapse!!!