Looking for a Dresser sized humidor. Suggestions please!

Joined Jan 2005
117 Posts | 0+
I would like to get a larger cabinate/dresser sized humidor. Something that uses a cigar oasis... Anyone have a suggestion to which brands I should look at?
If you dont want to cut any corners do some research and track downa company in WI called JC Penderghast. They make the best humidors on the planet without exception. Full dresser size will run you upwards of 5K though but they are the absolute best. Have built in air circulators and humidifier.
I have never heard of that vendor. I got screwed too many times on Ebay to give an unbiased opinion. For that money, go look at the Barrister Bookcase humidors that JR Cigars has. $100 each, and hold a few hundred loose, or about ten or twelve boxes. They're good looking, hold humdidity well, and, according to Steve Saka (JR second in command), priced well below JR cost. He told me that himself back on the 5th.
book cases look good, 500.00 on ebay doesnt! still considering building, what else is available for 200.00-300.00? 3 bookcases sound nice. but like the one cigasmoker had on here
I have the same unit cigarsmoka does. bought it from Cigar.com for $650.00 but had to further invest in an electric humidifier. I will say though I am completely satisfied. It holds 20 boxes and is ver good looking.
rory, saw same unit at cheaphumidors.com. for279.99 and a 1200 ct. for 399.99 [looked to be same] i am still considering the bookcases from jr,s hasanyone seen these? am concerned that it may apear cheap. what are thebooks? sticker?