Problem with a cigar

Joined Apr 2006
28 Posts | 0+
Boston, MA

some people know I've had some problems with my humidor. I smoked a Cameroon tonight. Even burn, good draw, started smoking fine. Somewhere in the middle, it got SOUR, and metallic...REALLY fast....really gross. Eventually, near the end it started getting good again. Also, the other day I smoked a purple label. It was kind of flakey...and had a dead spot in the middle which wouldnt stay cherried. I had to break it past the point. A cuban the other day was sort of flakey too, but smoked well. Is something happening to my cigars? What's happening. Getting worried. Thanks. :cry:

Are you resting them enough before you smoke them brother? Shippers often ship a little wet, so you need to rest them a while.

Just my 1.88 cents worth.