ring size measurement


Joined Nov 2003
2K Posts | 0+
Paradise CA
why do they measure the cigar ring size in american measuring? im pretty sure every one else uses metric. it would be a lot easyer to measure cigar ring size in mm. i assumed it was measured in mm by the circumference, not the diameter. that would be more accurate. it would be easyer to measure the square shape cigars because theres a difference in diameter if you measure corner to corner and side to side. are they measured in metric in other countries and they just convert the size rating for marketing in america?
i know what the ring guage means, and its 1/64, not 60. im just confused as to why its measured in standard not metric.
Damn, I hardly ever miss that trivia. 64 64 64 64 I am going to have to beat that into my head.

Thanks for the correction
Why? I don't know...maybe tradition. (there is something to be said for tradition) What I do know is that I was born and raised with standard US measurements and I sure appreciate anything that uses the quaint, old system I am familiar with. I think it is funny that the Feds require all construction docs on Fed projects to be in metric even though most of the building materials in this country are manufactured in standard dimensions. Usually, loose tolerances make this irrelavent, but I still find it humorous.
I don't know why they started with the way they did, but it would cause to much of a problem to change it.
For goodness sake, don't change it now! I'm so use to the 64ths unit of measurement, I'd never catch on to any metric crap measurement! :shock: