very cold temps

Joined Jan 2007
9 Posts | 0+
Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA
I am sure this topic must have been broached before, I just couldn't find it. So if it has mayhaps someone could tell me where it is (or write an answer all over again!!)

Anyway, I keep my humi in my MAN ROOM (aka the garage, where my wife lets me smoke) and it gets very cold in there when I'm not using it (about 30 F). My temp gauge in the humi is generally at 41-48 F. I know you can temporarily freeze your smokes to kill the dreaded beetle, but will such a constant low temp eventually affect the taste or even ruin them? Any thoughts or knowledge regarding this would be much appreciated!
The temp seems a little low IMHO. Just because you have to smoke out in the garage does not meen that you have to keep the humi out there. I would keep the in the house just for good measure.
I agree with websmoked. You should keep your humidor inside at room temperature, then take out whatever you want to smoke right away in the garage.
that and if you are heating and cooling all the time it may damage your sticks. drastic temp changes can do that sometimes.
Ok, I guess I will have to find a spot in the house to store my humi's. I had a spot last year, but I feared it was to near the woodstove and didn't want the drastic temp fluctuation to affect my smokes, so I moved er to the man room outside. Maybe the wife will give me some room in the bedroom(like a small portion of the closet, maybe reduce her pairs of shoes to two hundred thousand and two) Wish me luck!! 8)
Thanks for the quick responses!!
I've stored my humi in a closet before. It' keeps them dark and cool and out of harm's way. Just make sure you check on it every week or so.