Were is Wolfdaddy?

Joined Jul 2005
3K Posts | 0+
Has anyone heard from Tim lately? I know he contacted all of us after the hurricane, but I have not heard from him lately.
i talked to him last night fairly late. It was brief but he is still alive!
I thought I heard him say he was going to start posting exclusively over on the Thompson Cigar forums.

:wink: :wink: :wink:
Wolfdaddy is still alive, just not online much lately. Stupid hurricane took out my internet and I'm still without at home, so I make do when I can. I've also been pretty busy the last couple weeks. I hope to jump back into the fray soon. :D
Ya little sh*t!!! Ya had me scared!!! I'm gonna have to send you a little x-mas present around the holidays, for all of the hurricane grief.