New Magazine

Joined Aug 2004
2K Posts | 0+
Chicago Born/Raised. Hollywood CA Resident
Hey Everyone - I just wanted to let you know that my new magazine is out and can be found at your local shop - grab a copy for free. Next issue will be in a lot more places! We also offer subscriptions if you don't want to hassle with going and trying to find it for free. Hope you like it!

PM me for any details or shop locations who carry it - or just go to the website in my signature.

Thanks! these el cobre's are still good!! just not as much kick, but damn tasty! :D
Great magazine in my opinion. Three thumbs up. It's also nice to pick up a cigar mag and not read Marvin Shankens golf blog or Lew Rothman bitching about something.
NW - yeah there are a lot of shops up there. where exactly are you located? Or what are some shops you go to?
Looking forward to reading the first issue Thor. Congratulations on getting it off the ground!!