Happy New Year

Joined Jul 2005
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Hope everyone had a good New Year's Eve night. I was here at work. Fortunately, we only had 1 call all night, and it wasn't anything terrible. I still only got 4 hours sleep though... I woke up and I just brewed a pot of Kauai Peaberry, doing the report from the call earlier. Soon, I will fill up my travel mug and head home to see what the wife and lab are doing. Hope everyone has a nice, relaxing, lazy day today, filled with full cups and long ashes. Good day!! Ryan
New Year's sunrise

Watched the New Year come in last night, with my wife & dog. On TV and through the family room window, which looks North over the Shenandoah Valley.

Got up an hour earlier than planned this AM - maybe I forgot to take the dog out last night just before bed. As we circumnavigated the house, I saw an exceptional sunrise, all in blues and oranges and greys.

The whole family was here for Christmas, difficult to do these days, what with grandchildren and significant others, etc.

Hope your New Year is starting as well as ours.

God Bless You, and the USA.
God bless you two, and the best to everyone here. I'm watching the worst team in football play their last game, and finishing a Freedom Press of Mocha Java. We're into '06, and last night I was sitting around thinking and the Wisconsin state motto came to mind, . . .

FORWARD!!! :thumbsup: