5th Anniversary

Joined May 2005
136 Posts | 0+
Dallas, TX
Hey ya'll, wife and I are headed down to Austin and San Antonio for our 5th anniversary next month and wanted to know if there were any cant miss cigar establishments I should watch out for. I want to hit the Bobalu Cigar Company on 6th St, and wasn't sure if there was any place on the River Walk in S.A. that's worth the time.


My wife will have our five year in June.


My company was bought out by a bigger one and we will lose all of our vacation time. I guess we won't be going anywhere. :evil: :x
Five years. That's beautiful. Congrats, avgeek. I hear Austin is cool. Have fun.
Congrats, AVGeek!

I was in Austin for only 1 day during interviews, and don't know much about the place.

Have fun!
There is a little shop right by the boat launch on the river walk dont remember what they had but i know there is one right there.