Jesus is watching you


Joined Jan 2013
63 Posts | 3+
Yakima, WA
A burglar broke into a house at night and as he searched for valuables, a voice in the dark startled him, "Jesus knows you're here."

He clicked his flashlight off and froze. When he heard nothing more, he continued.

Minutes later, clear as a bell he again heard "Jesus is watching you."

The burglar looked around frantically then in a corner his flashlight shined on a parrot.

"Did you say that?" he asked the parrot.

"Yes", the parrot answered, then squawked, "I'm trying to warn you that Jesus is watching you."

The burglar relaxed. "Really, huh? And who are you?"

"Moses," replied the bird.

"Moses?" the burglar laughed. "What kind of people would name a bird Moses?"

The parrot replied, "The kind who would name a Rottweiler Jesus."
Had a friend year's ago that thought it was funny to call his Russian wolf hound out when someone new was at his house, dog was named Kitty.
Sounds like my kind of people, great one DGJ
Reminds me of my Mynah bird who had quite a repertoire. Once when the insurance man came to the house and the cage was covered, he kept uttering the phrase " don't be so mercenary" every time the insurance man mentioned money in any way. The commentary was most often very appropriate to any conversation going on.
Reminds me of my Mynah bird who had quite a repertoire.
They are remarkable. I remember a mynah bird at a bike shop in the Ocean Beach neighborhood of San Diego back around 1984. I was browsing and heard "Hi do you want to buy a bike?" I turned around and there was nobody there. Then I saw the bird who repeated the question. A minute later I hear the question again and a woman says "No, we're just browsing." I snort down a laugh. She looks at me. "Look behind you." The bird asks again and she turns red while laughing.