smoke filtration

Joined Mar 2006
54 Posts | 0+
Plano, Texas
I have a question for you guys. Do any of ya’ll have an air filter system or anything like that at home to help keep the smoke smell out of your house/cigar rooms? Right now I either smoke on the porch or just open up the back door and some windows to let the air flow out. Lately and for the last couple of months this has been no problem because of the nice weather, however 100 plus degree days will be here soon and opening doors and windows is out of the question. Personally the smoke smell does not bother me that much, but you know how women can be…..”It stinks in here” ext. ext. So any suggestions?

There is a portable system that some use for filtration, I can't think of the name of it.. don't ya hate it when that happens? I'm sure someone will chime in. Others have elaborate smoking rooms (of which I'm very jealous) that have bathroom type exhaust fans. Someday when I'm rich (i.e. not in the military, haha) I'm gonna set up a smoking room.
Yeah I was wondering about the ionic breeze and the one that is made by orick. I might have to try to get one....even the nights are hot here.
From what I understand , an Ionization air cleaner is better than an Ozone air cleaner. I bought a cheap(12.00) ionizer for my truck and it works great. Check your state EPA web site for info. Let us know if you find something
I have two of the Sharper Image filters in the house, with one being in my office. I have just started smoking my pipe in the office, and my wife has yet to smell it. Expensive, yes. But they do work.