
Joined Feb 2003
128 Posts | 0+
Columbus, Ohio
I had some Kirin Ichiban at the local sushi bar on Friday. It was pretty good. I think it's a japanese recipe but brewed by one of the American breweries.'s a japanese beer the way Killian's is an irish beer, but it tastes pretty good and it has a cool kirin (flying horse-like beast from the japanese mythos) on the label.
Kirin is a pretty good beer. It's a lager style and has good color. The biggest complaint I've ever had is that it seems to vary greatly from try to try.
In hindsight, any beer would probably taste good when your washing down raw fish and seaweed. But, it did taste good enough initially that I am going to try it again next time I head over to the sushi bar. I will give a range report afterwards.
Kirin Depthcharges

Back in the day (late 70's) a friend of mine used to get Kirin in a juglike 2 liter (or so) can. The can tapered at the top with a soft foil type pull top with a large pull ring on it. His use was to keep them warm, shake the can up and roll it into an unsusptecting dorm room with a string attached to the pull ring. You can guess the rest.

Re: Kirin Depthcharges

Wish I could've seen that :lol: That sounds like a blast.
You can just take a look at Special Ed's face and tell he's a jokester. If that's not the face of a consummate comedian, I don't know what is. :D
Bloofington said:
You can just take a look at Special Ed's face and tell he's a jokester. If that's not the face of a consummate comedian, I don't know what is. :D

That's on older picture. I still have the same facial hair (a little greyer now) but a bit less wag in my tail...

They don't call me Special Ed for nothing! :lol:

It is the noble face and the twinkling eye of a true Son of Vaudeville, relaxed, easygoing humor, good clean American fun!!!