It really IS Olde Homies Week around here!!! Oedipus1, welcome to Ladeeeeezzzz and Jellyeggs, innnntrodeuce-ING . . .
a man who is undoubtedly one of the most experienced and knowledgeable cigar smokers in the world, particularly those of well, let's just call them ISOM's. For newbies, that stands for Island South Of Mamaroneck. AHHH C'MON, WHERE DAT BEARDED GUY ROOLZ!!!
Our newest member and esteemed guest is not only a cigar expert, but an Olde Homie from "another web site," and is now I believe one of the founders, or at least principal members of perhaps the most hard core cigar related web site on the net,, which I have done my best to recommend you all to, especially newbies.
Oedipus1 also took up the marvelous hobby of home roasting coffee way back, and having recently received approximately three quarters of a pound from another Olde Homie from "another web site," I can attest that it is certainly a worthwhile venture. Oedipus1 has been trying to convince me to go for it for quite some time, and after seeing the uniform, expert roast accomplished by our mutual buddy, and better yet, tasting it on several occasions, I just might give it a try one day.
Ahhhhhh, but there's that matter of still not having my life together. But what an intriguing hobby.
And even if our newest member is not able to stick around for the same reason that I am unable to devote time to any other web site at the present time, even for recreation, you can avail yourself of his wisdom in the world of cigars, coffee and other of life's topics by going to the aforementioned
And I am indeed sorry that you missed me, but perhaps another time. Kind words, and a fine cigar to put my name on. I thank you for the thoughts, and as for not being here to cause any trouble, regardless of differences in points of view on certain topics and vociferous discussions of ancient history, . . .
you never did cause any trouble.
We humbly welcome oedipus1 to Who knows, maybe he'll lay some crumbs on us once in a while.
:dunno: :duh: