don't use auction sites if you are new to cigars. you'll make a mistake and overpay. you need to be sure that you're getting a deal.
i typically use which is owned by (and generally has decent prices). if you're using cigarbid you have to be at least aware of the normal CI price. it is a good place to "practice" by researching between the 2 sites.
don't forget to factor in shipping and tax (if applicable).
also, make sure you know what you're bidding on. i've seen $300 bids on empty PAM / PAN boxes or 5 Packs. read the descriptions carefully.
for the well informed (which is anyone who did a little homework, it ain't rocket science) auction sites can be a places to find very good deals. my rule of thumb is to only buy things if i can save at least 25% over the best price i'd found for the same item at other retailers