My 4 1/2 year old Grandson arrived Friday evening from Frankfurt, Germany. My Daughter in Law and Grandson ( Isiah) are on a three year assignment with a USA Government agency. One year left.They are visiting for a week.
Tonight, my wife is cooking Crabcakes.
Can you imagine a grandson that I have not seen in 6 months, crabcakes, a cigar on the porch combined with a grandmother who is happy beyond words.You all understand what happens when women are happier than hell. I've been taking vitamins for three weeks just to build me up in anticipation of this week.
Vince and all my other friends, I hope you read this.
A challenge to all- "what do you think my nickname is for my Grandson?" One word.
A grand prize to the first winner of this post question.
Tonight, my wife is cooking Crabcakes.
Can you imagine a grandson that I have not seen in 6 months, crabcakes, a cigar on the porch combined with a grandmother who is happy beyond words.You all understand what happens when women are happier than hell. I've been taking vitamins for three weeks just to build me up in anticipation of this week.
Vince and all my other friends, I hope you read this.
A challenge to all- "what do you think my nickname is for my Grandson?" One word.
A grand prize to the first winner of this post question.