english bowling

Joined Mar 2005
1K Posts | 0+
Hilton Head, SC
ok i just found out about this sport and im trying to gather all the info i can. It is not widely popular in the US and im having a hard time finding any retailers outside of the UK.

http://www.bowlsamerica.org is one american site but all the links on it go to UK sites. I know the rules because i just watched a movie about it and read the sites i did find, but can't find retailers. Anyone from the UK able to provide more info, or maybe even played before?
I grew up playing the Italian version of lawn bowling...Bocce. It's kinda similar but is played on a clay surface. Go to any of the Italian-American clubs around the country and there is a good chance they'll have an alley set up outside.

Try this link:

Those bikes are so popular out here that even larger grocery stores have them for sale :lol:
i linked the pic to tiny tim and told him i would ride it to the next sit down... he thought that was pretty funny