Hemingway cigars

Joined May 2005
186 Posts | 0+
Toronto, Canada
I was just checking out the Arturo Fuente Hemingway line and noticed that the price difference between the natural wrapper and the maduro wrapper is considerably large! Does anyone know if the maduro's really worth approx. double the cost of the naturals?

:cop: :cop: :tomcat: :argh: :argh: :fineprint: :pigsfly: :grumble:
Methinks something is rotten in Denmark. I'm a Hemingway "regular" and I've NEVER seen, nor ever expected to HEAR of that much of a price differential between the regular wrapper and maduro.

Tell that merchant to kiss your tuchas at high noon in Macy's window on December 24th. Go to cigarfamily.com, log on to their boards and ask Carlito a/k/a The Horse's Mouth, if the MSRP on the maduros should be twice as much as the regular.
I have to side with Bloof on this one...Sound the BS alarms! Move on to greener pastures. Of course he is in Canada Bloof! :wink:
The Hemi Maduros are only released around Christmas and Father's Day. If your shop is lucky enough to see them, grab one and find out if it's worth the price paid. (Last Hemi Sig Maduro I bought was around $8 after tax)
It was delicious. :wink:
Chances are you saw those on my site. Bulz hit the nail on the head. If I am lucky I see only one box of one size a year from my fuente supplier. In order to make them available year round I have to buy them on the second market for resale. That is why the price is so high. These are not big money makers for us but we pay a premium to have them on hand year round for our customers. If you are lucky enough to find them in your local shop at MSRP most definately buy them. Believe me I wish I was able to get them year round directly from Fuente.
Yeah, I just saw them on the cigar.com site.

So they are semi-limited editions. Hmm, does anyone have any experience if they are that much better than the natural versions?
I am not a bog fan of the cameroon/ natural versions but do really enjoy the maduro. As far as maduros go I would advise spending the money on an Oliva O maduro as I find the aromas to be fairly similar or go with an ashton aged maduro if you want to stay in the dominican republic.
Sorry Mr. Svenson, I should have checked your web site before posting my vociferous reply. I remember you talking about your third party status on Fuente regarding Opus X before. I was just throwing out a general answer to a general question.
Bloof. No apologies necessary. Unfortunately there are people out there that get a decent amount of them and sell them at a huge markup. You are right to point them out for what they are doing. Best way to find them locally is to do some research at cigarfamily.com and find out who the appointed opus x merchants are in your area as the opus accounts usually get more hemmingway maduro and they are held to honoring more MSRP. If you are in Florida they are a dime a dozen. I went into a run of the mill liquor store on sanibel island and bought a box of anejo sharks and a box of hemmingway classic maduro at MSRP. That was a huge surprise considering it was just a mom and pop liquor store witha small walk in humidor.
That is a huge surprise. Seems like Florida has a lot of nifty cigar "hot" spots. I've heard a few things about "those places" in Florida. :dunno: :hearseespeak:
every shop i went to while in florida from crappy to huge had opus x. I was shocked since locally out of 5 stores only one ever has opus and its not all the time either.
Florida is a great place for Fuente's - Great time to stock up for sure!
I love Florida. I recently found out at my own shop that they have hidden away in cabinets in the humidor Opus X, 858 Maduros, Padron '64s and '26s, and a lot of others that I haven't asked about yet. Seems to me that only some customers know about these stashes, and I appear to be among them now. 8)

My smokeshop just became a LOT cooler to me.

They have Hemingways too.

I love Hemingways very much. I had one yesterday, and now I have no more. :(

I need to get more.
the local store down here is literally a mom and pop location... its run by this old couple who are very nice...
i think the mans sight might be going, because they have hemm. short stories for about 4.50!
i always grab a few when im in there
doesn't seem like you'll have a prob getting those Hemi's now Wolfdaddy! You're moving on up in your shop!! 8)