humidor ideas

Joined Jul 2005
6 Posts | 0+
Urbana, IL
I currently have the standard small-ish cherry wood humidor. It holds around 100 cigars.

I'd like a change. I'd like to see at least some of the cigars without opening the top. So here I am for some ideasIt would be great if you could post some pictures.

I am looking for suggestions. I'd also like to know if you are happy with the model or not.
i don't like buying from ebay but tons of people do it and are usually very happy with what they get. I personally use a coolerdor and love it.
you can find some excelent deals on ebay on humidors.
Yes, I check there periodically. I do wonder about how good the "deals" really are.

Are people really using humidors like those on ebay or are the target to the beginner who does not know any better?
ive gotten two humidors off ebay, one is the same size and quality as the 80 dollar south point i got from as a freebee with the fuente box deal. the other is 2 times as big and still same quality. the seller said 150 count but theres no way it will hold that, 110 at the most. but its still a good box. if you see items listed as slightly damaged, dont be turned off at all. the first one i got said that and all it had was a little scuff on the side of the finish, you dont even notice it unless you look for it.
I don't know how much money you're willing to spend but maybe a frigidor might work well. To make a small one out of say a 16 bottle wine cooler would run a few hundred dollars but when set up right is virtually maintenence free. Just research the topic well before you risk your smokes. I just learned that the hard way.
iminaquagmire, I think for now I am sticking with wood. When I finish my basement and put in the bar/cigar area I will go in the direction you suggested.

USMC 6672 I like the look of that one but I am leery of the company selling it. No problems with quality?
I bought an awesome cabinet humidor on ebay for $150. It's beautiful and holds about 68% humidity. It will probably hold about 200-250 cigars.
Are there more of the same out on EBAY? I'd like to see what it looks like.

I'm currently keeping 30-50 cigars. I'm afraid anything larger and all that empty space would work against me in terms of keeping the humidity at the desired level. Guess I could always buy more cigars...
I and many others have said it a thousand times, buy bigger than you need. It is rare that someone takes that advice, but just trust me on this and buy something big. You WILL fill it up eventually and having the dead space won't right now won't kill you.

If you don't buy big you will learn the hard way like me, I now have 3 humidors.
andy ~ No, no problems with quality at all. The cigars they sent with it suck, but then again, I didn't buy it for the cigars. That has been all I bought from them, I buy everything from JR's now.
bildo792 your advice is sound. I've stayed in the 30-50 cigar range for 3+ years now. I'm not excluding any humidor, I just don't want the size to work against me.

USMC 6672 thanks for the opinion.
yeah, ive been browsing ebay, and there is some pretty hot stuff there, and i set a cap of $50...
i dont even need another, and im really having to restrain myself here :?
Don't forget to look around various cigar web sites, and also check out . . ., . . .

and do a google search for the name Bob Staebell. He makes some of the most beautiful and best humidors around. They earn high marks from everyone who has purchased them.
ahh you are reffering to aristocrat, and although I don't have one (yet), many believe them to be the best of the best. They are very nice.
That's right, Aristocrat. My friend DocBarry has one, has recommended them since I first met him five years ago, and long before that as well. I have never heard a complaint about an Aristocrat humidor. Expensive yes, but you get what you pay for. Beautiful, stylish, and supremely functional.