Jessica Alba, Coyly Undressing...

You SUCK, dude!

Not only did it scare the hell out of me but I was at work...again!
Thanks Colonel, good thing the volume wasn't too high.

Hey Macallan, did you see when Peter Griffin got kicked in the nuts? :lol:
I was just thinking about that episode! The funniest one is with the two kids and the older guy.

Colonel, I was expecting something bad this time and it still doesn't prepare you.
iminaquagmire said:
I was just thinking about that episode! The funniest one is with the two kids and the older guy.

Colonel, I was expecting something bad this time and it still doesn't prepare you.

All the free non-stop Family Guy you could ever ask for on WinAmp TV. Check it out. Got bored one day, and watched every season and the movie. lol