Love the forum!

Joined Apr 2007
101 Posts | 0+
Pittsburg, CA
It's great seeing the old forum back online with its very own domain name! Now it just needs a chat room and it would be just like old times!
Good to see you back Matt....I also noticed you have a new addition! Congrats!
Hey Buddy! Glas you made it! Did you let Gordon know that we are back?

Hey Everyone! Yup, my son Grayson was born Sept 24th at 2:10am. He's a perfect, handsome boy. Kind of a silly thing but I am glad he is a September baby. I want to make my wife a ring with all our birthstones in it and a sapphire is much prettier than an opal ;)

DL, I haven't seen Gordon online since you told me about the forum but I'm sure he will pop on soon and I'll be sure to tell him.
Great to see ya Matt and congrats on the birth of your son!

Oh and have to be careful there is always a SPY!! ;)