I have never shipped cigars out to anyone in my life. I also have never had cigars shipped to me (im gunna change that soon though) so I have no clue how to do so.
Would I need anything special to protect them (beyond a water pillow or a boulivar (sp?) pack)
Ive begun to take part in some of the games and the PIF in hopes of gettin lucky with no reguard to how I would ship things once the ball was in my court.
I wouldnt want you guys to get dry crushed cigars.
Would I need anything special to protect them (beyond a water pillow or a boulivar (sp?) pack)
Ive begun to take part in some of the games and the PIF in hopes of gettin lucky with no reguard to how I would ship things once the ball was in my court.
I wouldnt want you guys to get dry crushed cigars.