Maryland Crabcakes

Joined Jan 2005
302 Posts | 0+
South Central PA
If you like crabcakes and I think Maryland Crabcakes are the best available- please post and I'll provide firms that ship the best based upon my taste. My taste is based upon proper seasoning that allows the soft nature of the crab meat to persist. Many firms over season that result ib Crabcakes tasting like Seasonall. Crabcakes need to be a crab taste with soft seasoning.
Taste appreciation is similar to taste in Cigars.
Give me the leadership in this and I'll steer you in the right direction.
PS You Chicago guys- have you ever had a good
Maryland Crabcake, or are you happy with" Deviled Crab"- a trash product.
If you are really bold, I can arrange fresh- live crabs in the summer.
Anywhere in the USA- this is through others- not me.I'll just give you the contacts.
I think they sell something called a 'crabcake' at Long John Silver's! I am a flatlander and wouldn't know a good one from a bad one, but I am willing to learn. Let us know the details on how to get a 'reference' quality crabcake.
Heaven on a bun is a very good description.
I live about 35 miles from the eatery I am recommending- these are great. My son lives in Oklahoma City orders from this firm.
Check out
A friend of mine from work goes to Ocean City every year to visit relatives and brings me back Crabcakes and Crab soup that his Grandmother makes and it is the best. Nothing like it here in Michigan, not even at Long John Silvers. I'll check out your links, it's making me hungry.
Crabcakes if made and handled properly are almost beyond description. Be a wise buyed.Many firms have jumped on the bandwagon and quality is my concern. One could make a mistake and purchase from a firm that mixes crab meat and fish.This is a no no- and you wouldn't know unless you had taster the real thing.
This is similar to cigar purchasing.
I prefer to many others due to their service and commitment to the art of cigars. I can save a few pennies but pennies are not important - quality and service is.
If you decide to choose another supplier, I suggest send me a thread. I take great pride in being a Marylander and only want to preserve the good Maryland Crabcake reputation.
stayed in md. when i was younger, and have to admit that the seafood anywhere else doesnt compare. a long john silvers crab cake is on the same level as a swisher sweet. but when desperate, i have had both. red lobster would be a better choice,not the best but much better. all this talk of crabs reminds me of the time i hauled a bushel of crabs from southern md. to the mountains of central pa. strapped on the back of my vette. 50.00 for crabs, 50.00 for ice. so how much is a bushel these days?
Spring and early Summer live crabs are high. July 4th weekend- they are hard to find due to high demand. Mid August to October crabs are fullest and most reasonable. Last year I heard prices $200 per bushel for jumbo #1's( large crabs).Medium crabs $150, small but legal $ 75 plus. I usually go to a local crab restaurant and split a dozen with my wife.Price per dozen ( large ) $45-$48 but I'm going to one of the top three places in Baltimore.