My cigars were tasting like [email protected]

Joined Mar 2005
23 Posts | 0+
Lately my cigars have been very bitter and harsh. The analog hygrometer in the humidor read exactly 70% - what was going on??

Talked to a friend who KNOWS cigars, and he said that perhaps the glue in the humidor was to blame.

So I got a large piece of Tupperware, put all my cigars in it, as well the humidification device and the hygrometer from the humidor.

Almost instantly, the hygrometer jumped to 75%. After 2 days, my first cigar from the new set-up tasted wonderful. Hard to believe that if the glue was imparting a flavor, that it was gone after 2 days, but so far, so good.

I did order a digital hygrometer, so we'll see what that one reads.
Didnt know water based wood glue did that to cigars...interesting
Syntax said:
Didnt know water based wood glue did that to cigars...interesting

The problem may be that they used some other form of glue.