Power Outage at the Super Bowl

Joined Oct 2005
3K Posts | 14+
Central Canada, eh?
Is anyone else watching this?? Pretty bad for the stadium to lose power in the middle of a game like that, unfortunately I don't think its going to help SF.:(
You know, if the cameras would stop showing these guys doing their "look at me" dances after a touch down, maybe they would stop that show boating all the time. They are paid to do a job, and they did it, they don't need to do a little dance every time they score.
Its all over but the shouting and crying. Baltimore wins by a grand total of 3 points. It just shows, you don't have to win a game, just the last 10 seconds.
Did anyone else see the crazy stuff people were putting on Facebook about this? Man, some people are fast with Photoshop or something. Here are some images that someone put up, I got these from my wife just moments after this happened (I don't do Facebook).


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In sports the goal is to be in a strong position to win at the end of the game. If you don't get in a position to win, most often you will lose.