Torn Wrapper

Joined Jun 2005
3K Posts | 7+
F*ing Jersey
My first new topic post - but an important question.

I just realized that one of my cigars has a 3/4" tear in the wrapper starting at the foot. Any suggestions on what to do? It was given to me by a friend and I don't want to waste it.

Ugggghhhh - thanks for the quick answer though, Macallan.
I say... just smoke it! And see what happens. If it splits beyond repair, then toss it. If it doesn't, then you might have a fine smoke right there! :D
I figure I have nothing to lose by lighting it up - since I am pretty new I was hoping for a miracle cure.
ive had a few where the wrapper was cracked at the end like that. i just lopped off the end with a double guilotine and it was fine. i wouldnt recomend smoking it and just trying to forge through the torn part. it doenst work well.
Should I wait until just before I light up before I cut it?
is only the wrapper crakced? They have "wrapper glue" a gum base, oderless, tasteless glue that is used to repair wraper cracks, but if it's a big crack I find it doesn't work too well, unless it is just a crack in the wrapper
Just put the glasses on - it's a pretty big crack and more than just wrapper.

For future references - is that wrapper glue easy to find? I figure it can't hurt to keep it on hand just in case I wind up with a crack or tear that I can repair.

when the crack resinates from the foot event he glue tends not to work. All you can do is try to smoke through it. The glue only helps when the wrapper is peeling as apposed to cracking in my opninion.
Thanks for all of the great info - I wasn't planning to smoke this baby until next week so I will let you know how it goes. I am going to have to try and trim it down and let it rip since the crack is pretty darn wide. It's an AVO #2.
Kelvin...just a heads up but the cause of the crack was probably due to wide fluctuations in humidity. The cigar was probably a little dry at one time then the humidity was brought up too quickly. Only reason I mention this is to avoid future problems. If you let your cigars get too dry, bring the humidity levels up slowly. Also lighting a frozen or near frozen cigar will due the same thing. Such as leaving a cigar in a vehicle in the winter months then lighting up for the drive home. Will crack the wrapper most every time. Personally I've smoked cigars with pretty bad wrappers, tears and cracks, if you nurse them along and take your time they ussually smoke just fine.

Thanks for the advice - this stick came from a buddy of mine a little over a week ago - I am guessing that it was that way before I put it in my humidor and I never noticed. My humidor has been pretty steady on the humidity since I fired it up about a month ago.

The one thing I have been learning from you and others on this forum is patience - I will make sure I think twice beffore rushing things along.